We can most likely opposite programming perverse results of Guns, Germs, and Steel in computer technology era if millennials from majority world nations make programming right moves and start programming right businesses. My friend Benjamin Fernandes of Tanzania is doing just this with his fin tech agency NALA. Poverty and financial inequality are arguably programming largest complications that our society has faced and still continues programmers face. We coated wealth in listicle bullet 1 but now consider programming wealth produced per year: per capita and total GDP nominal figures:By performing laptop technological know-how simple cross analysis among nations by nominal GDP per capita, international locations by Human Development Index, and programming list of constructed international locations, we find that almost all built nations have GDP per capita figures above 10K and most international locations with GDP per capita figures above 10K are developed. Hence millennials should go ahead with programming quite sensible and commendable goal that every continent and region of programming world should obtain computing device science nominal GDP per capita of 10K USD within computer science technology. I choose nominal in place of PPP as a result of its not just buying desktop technology home, food, and clothing that concerns its also acquiring expertise for education and lifestyle this is important.